Friday 8 April 2011

Afghan Govt May Face Revolt if Mistakes Continue: Abdullah

If the Afghan government continues making mistakes, it may face popular uprising similar to those in the mid east, Opposition Leader Abdullah Abdullah warned on Wednesday.

Leader of Change and Hope coalition Dr Abdullah Abdullah, speaking at a gathering in Kabul, blamed the recent violence during Koran protests on "some hands in the government".

The gathering was titled Lessons from Mid-East and North Africa.

Dr Abdullah also accused Afghan President Hamid Karzai of dictating the Attorney General.

He said the Attorney General has insulted the nation by refusing to appear before the House of Representatives.

The Afghan Attorney General has been accused of interfering in electoral affairs for which he was summoned to the parliament earlier this week, but he rebuffed the call in a letter and said the parliamentarians did not have the right so summon him.

"The Attorney General was summoned but he refused to go to the parliament. Isn't the rejection letter he sent to the parliament ludicrous?," said Dr Abdullah.

Mr Abdullah also accused the Afghan government of using the judicial body as a tool.

Dr Abdullah urged fundamental changes in the current political system in Afghanistan.

"We do not want the current system to collapse, this system has been achieved through sacrifices of a nation, but the people want change and god-willing the Afghan people will finally be able to bring change," he said.

He said if the Afghan government listens to the Afghan people and shake itself it still has a chance and three years ahead to serve Afghans.

"If the current leadership keeps making mistakes, it can only expect a similar fate as the leaders of the Middle East and North Africa," said Dr Abdullah.

Head of Masood Foundation, Ahmad Wali Masood, also made a speech expressing concern about the current political situation in the country.

"If the stakeholders, authorities and especially the international community do not take action, I have to regretfully say that Afghanistan may go in an unknown direction," Mr Masood said.

Dr Abdullah called on the Afghan nation to be united and not let anyone to misuse their honest feelings against the national interests of Afghanistan.

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