Tuesday 31 January 2012

پناهجوی ایرانی چرا خودکشی کرد؟

پناهجوی ایرانی چرا خودکشی کرد؟


روز یکشنبه ۲۹ ژانویه، یک پناهجوی ایرانی در کمپ پناهندگی در بایرن آلمان خودکشی کرد. پزشک مخصوص کمپ و دوستان او معتقدند شرایط بد زندگی در این اقامتگاه، این جوان ۲۹ ساله را به سمت خودکشی سوق داده است.

«در اتاق را از تو قفل کرده، پرده‌ها را کشیده و با ملافه‌ای که روی تختش بوده خود را از پنجره حلق‌آویز کرده است. در اتاق آهنی بوده و بازکردنش توسط نیروهای امداد و پلیس زیاد طول کشیده. می‌گویند اگر در زودتر باز می‌شد امکان نجاتش بود».
"محمد رهسپار" ۲۹ سال داشت. گفته می‌شود از پرسنل نیروی انتظامی بوده، گفته می‌شود که در ایران مدتی را زندانی و تحت شکنجه بوده است. حتی برخی دوستان نزدیکش ادعا می‌کنند که براثر شکنجه ناراحتی شدید کلیه پیدا کرده بود.
هفت ماه پیش ایران را ترک کرد و در آلمان تقاضای پناهندگی داد. یک ماه در زیندورف و بعد وورتسبورگ در ایالت بایرن، کمپ "امری کاسرن" که تا آغاز دهه ۹۰ میلادی محل اقامت سربازان آمریکایی بوده می‌شود محل جدید زندگی محمد. «یک اتاق ۱۲ متری با سه نفر هم‌اتاقی و حمامی با سه دوش که ۳۰ تا ۴۰ نفر ساکن در آن طبقه باید از آن استفاده کنند و چهار دستشویی برای همین تعداد».
اینها را رضا می‌گوید، رضا تیموریان پناهجوی ایرانی دیگری که از حدود ۱۵ ماه پیش در همین اقامتگاه پناهجویان ساکن است. او ادامه می‌دهد: «مدل دید به این هایم و به این آدم‌هایی که اینجا هستند یک مدل به خصوصی است یعنی ما ایزوله هستیم. از شهر حدود ۷ یا ۸ کیلومتر دور هستیم یعنی بین اینجا تا شهر اتوبان است و این مسافت را حتما باید با وسیله نقلیه بروی، اگر بخواهی پیاده بروی خیلی طول می‌کشد. اینجا سیم خاردارهایی هست که کاملا ما را از بیرون جدا کرده و یک نگهبانی هست که ورود و خروج‌ها را کنترل می‌کند. یک فضای بازی هست که آسفالت است و احتمالا برای تمرین نیروهای نظامی بوده. اینجا مثل یک پادگان است با ساختمان‌های خیلی قدیمی و راهروهای بزرگ ودرهای آهنی سنگینی که به سختی باز می‌شوند».
 رضا از برخورد معدود آدم‌هایی که پناهجویان با آنها سرو کار دارند می‌گوید: «مثلا یک اداره پست هست که سه تا چهار ساعت در روز کار می کند و افرادی که در آنجا  هستند با لحن خیلی بدی صحبت می‌کنند و اصلا جواب کسی را که آلمانی بلد نیست نمی‌دهند و می‌گویند باید زبان یاد بگیری درحالی که چیزی تحت عنوان کلاس زبان آلمانی اینجا برای ما وجود ندارد».
این پناهجوی ایرانی از کسانی می‌گوید که معتقدند همه پناهجویان تنها برای گرفتن پول به آلمان آمده‌اند و مشکل دیگری جز مسائل مالی ندارند. رضا البته از گروه دیگری هم سخن می‌گوید، کسانی که در زمان اعتصاب غذای پناهجویان به دلیل اعتراض به کیفیت بد غذا، برای آنان غذای خانگی می‌آورده‌اند.
شرایط بد اقامتگاه، دلیلی برای خودکشی؟
دکتر "آگوست اشتیش"، پزشکی که مسئولیت مراقبتهای پزشکی کمپ وورتسبورگ را بر عهده دارد به خبرگزاری آلمان گفته که شرایط روحی محمد به دلیل زندگی در کمپ از ماهها پیش خوب نبود. به گفته‌ی وی در ماه دسامبر زمانی که محمد برای معاینه به کلینیک رفته بوده از خودکشی سخن گفته و این پزشک، مسئولان کمپ را مطلع کرده و گفته شرایط زندگی او باید تغییر کند.  به همین دلیل مسئولان اقامتگاه به او اجازه مید‌هند که به دیدار خواهرش در شهر کلن برود. البته رضا می‌گوید با تقاضای انتقال محمد به شهر کلن، نزد خواهرش به دلیل پیچیدگی‌های اداری هنوز موافقت نشده بود.
با همه اینها سخنگوی مطبوعاتی دولت محلی منطقه‌ای که این کمپ در آن قرار دارد گفته: «ما هیچ نشانه‌مشخصی نداریم که این فرد قبلا در خطر اقدام به خودکشی قرار داشته است».
رضا تیموریان نیز می‌گوید نشانه‌هایی از افسردگی در این فرد ندیده: «خیلی انسان متین و مثبتی بود، خیلی انسان فعالی بود، ورزشکار بود و در اتاقش وسایل ورزشی خیلی اندکی داشت، سالم بود، سیگار نمی کشید، مشروبات الکلی نمی خورد و دوستانی که با او بودند و در طبقه بالای ما ساکن بودند، یک گروه بودند که با هم خوب بودند. من اصلا نشانه‌هایی از افسردگی در او نمی دیدم اما بعد از مدتی احساس کردم که کمی غریب شده، دوستانشان روایت می کردند که ساعتها پشت پنجره می‌نشست و می‌گفت اینجا هم که زندان است».
دکتر اشتیش گفته این تنها مورد خودکشی در کمپ‌های پناهندگی نبوده. او می‌گوید: «تعداد زیادی از پناهجویان در اثر زندان و شکنجه در کشور خود دچار آسیب پایدار روانی شده‌اند و با این وجود ناچارند در اقامتگاه‌هایی که سابق بر این پادگان بوده سکونت کنند و زندگی گروهی در این گونه مکان‌ها آنها را بیمار می‌کند». این پزشک همچنین رفتار با پناهجویان در ایالت بایرن را نامناسب‌تر از سایر نقاط آلمان می‌داند.
روز واقعه
رضا از روزی می‌گوید که شب هنگامش محمد خودکشی کرد: «حالش خوب نبود، آمبولانس خبر می‌کنند و آمبولانس هم او را با زیرشلواری و عرقگیر به بیمارستان می‌برد. در بیمارستان هیچکس زبان او را نمی‌فهمد، محمد یک کلمه هم آلمانی بلد نبود، مترجمی هم حضور نداشته و بنابراین نتوانسته مشکلش را به پزشکان بگوید. در نهایت او را بدون هیچ گونه اقدام پزشکی مرخص می‌کنند».
او می‌گوید محمد حتی نمی‌توانسته به پرسنل بیمارستان بگوید که پولی برای برگشت ندارد و لباسش هم مناسب رفتن به خیابان نیست در نتیجه با همان لباسها و ظاهرا پیاده در سرمای زمستان به کمپ بر می‌گردد.
بعد از بازگشت به اتاقش می‌رود و در را روی خودش قفل می‌کند و چند ساعت بعد، ساکنان کمپ متوجه می‌شوند که محمد پاسخی به درزدن‌های مکرر نمی‌دهد. پلیس و نیروهای امداد و در آهنی که قصد باز شدن نداشته و دست آخر، پیکر آویزان از پنجره‌ای که محمد ساعتها مقابل آن می‌نشست و می‌گفت "اینجا هم که زندان است".
رضا، هموطن و هم‌زیست محمد در اقامتگاه پناهندگان وورتسبورگ می‌گوید: «ما هیچ چیز اضافه‌ای نمی‌خواهیم، تنها تقاضای ما این است که ما را ببینند و ما را بفهمند و بدانند که ما هم انسانیم و اگر انسانها برابرند ما هم خواستار شرایط برابریم.  اگر واقعا یک انسان اروپایی می‌تواند در این شرایط زندگی کند، ما هم زندگی کنیم و ما هم ادامه بدهیم. اگر نه به ما بگویند چرا؟ به چه گناهی ما باید در این شرایط زندگی کنیم؟».
و پزشک مسئول کمپ ووتسبورگ خطاب به پناهجویان ساکن این اردوگاه می‌گوید: «خودکشی راه حل نیست»

List of 15.551 documented refugee deaths through 'Fortress Europe' online لیست ان عده از مهاجرین که در راه بطرف اروپا بودند و زندگی خود را از دست دادند در لیست ذیل قابل دسترسی قرار دارد که به ۱۵.۵۵۱ نفر می رسد

List of 15.551 documented refugee deaths through 'Fortress Europe' online
 لیست ان عده از مهاجرین که در راه بطرف اروپا بودند و زندگی خود را از دست  دادند در  لیست ذیل قابل دسترسی قرار دارد که به ۱۵.۵۵۱ نفر می رسد

Somalian hunger strikers threatened, beaten and forced to eat in front of cameras at Lutsk Detention Centre in Ukraine!

Please spread as wide as possible!
From the hunger strikers we have just had the following report. “We have had some problems today. At about 1:00pm about 20 policemen came into the detention centre. When the police came we were shocked and confused, we are not criminals. They wore masks and had teargas, guns and pistols. They led us out of our rooms and then searched the rooms. They collected some personal things. Some of us were punched by hand, others kicked by boots, and others hit by sticks. They threatened us saying that we have to go to the dining room and eat. They forced some of the boys to eat. The boys went to the dining room, saying “these people will kill us”. Ten of the boys went to the dining room and the police took some pictures of the boys eating. We think the Government want to use the pictures for propaganda. The Government also want to provoke us so we fight and they can see we are hooligans. The policemen are still here in Lutsk, and we don't know if they are temporary or permanent.”
The hunger strikers urgently need your support to protect them from threats and violence inside the Lutsk Detention Centre.
Please can you immediately e mail or fax a protest letter demanding that:
  • the police are removed immediately from the Lutsk Detention Centre, and
  • that no further threats or violence are used against the hunger strikers or any detainees
Please e mail or fax your letter to one or more of the following officials:
Minister of Interior of Ukraine
Volyn Department of Minister of Interiorhttp://www.blogger.com/goog_1481742656
Head of State Migration Service of Ukrainehttp://www.blogger.com/goog_1481742656 FAX: +380 44 254-78-81
Head of Parliamentary Human Rights Committee, O.Zarubynskyj http://www.blogger.com/goog_1481742656 FAX: +380 44 255-49-02
Commissioner of Supreme Court of Ukraine on Human Rightshttp://www.blogger.com/goog_1481742656

Maybe you also have the possibility to organize at least a small demonstration in front of the Ukrainian embassy in your town!
Thank you. The Committee to Support the Somalian Hunger Strikers in Lutsk Detention Centre. For more information go tohttp://bordermonitoring-ukraine.eu/

Monday 30 January 2012

One more dead in Evros

An immigrant died of hypothermia while 14 others were rescued. The 15 migrants were trying to cross river Evros from Turkey to Greece, and were trapped in an island on the Evros river near Tychero village. Seven of the survivors are nationals of Eritrea, two are Palestinian nationals, three are from Algeria, one from Syria and one from Bangladesh. The dead immigrant was also Palestinian. He was transferred in critical condition at the Medical Center of Feres, where he died of hypothermia.

Sunday 29 January 2012

Little girl and her grandfather missing after boat with immigrants is overturned

A 9-year-old girl and her grandfather have gone missing in their effort to cross the freezing Evros river from Turkey to Greece on a boat (with another nine sans papiers immigrants) which was overturned
Meanwhile, a boy of 3, child of sans papiers immigrants, was saved and is being kept at the University Hospital of Alexandroupolis. The boy is in a very good condition. The boy had been saved by a sans papiers immigrant and his compatriot, both of whom were arrested by the police in Orestiada. It is they who informed the police about a shipwreck with nine passengers.

Five migrants killed in Astakos

Five people were killed on Friday evening when the van on which they were aboard crashed, 5 km from the town of Astakos (located in west Greece, by the Ionian sea).
According to the Police, aboard the, driven by Bulgarian traffickers, van were about 30 migrants, probably of Kurdish origin.

Friday 20 January 2012

Fence on Greek-Turkish border to be ready in five months

The contract to build a fence on Greece’s border with Turkey in Evros was signed on Thursday.
The 12.5-kilometer construction is being built to deter illegal immigration and trafficking but has prompted opposition from human rights groups.
Citizens’ Protection Minister Christos Papoutsis said that the signing of the deal proved the government was serious about moving ahead with the construction of the fence.
“This is the best answer to all those who argued that the project would never begin,” he said.
The fence is due to be completed within five months and will cost about 5 million euros.
Last year, more than 47,000 illegal immigrants were detained in Evros.

Thursday 19 January 2012


  • 18.1.2012: Detainees continue the hunger strike. Today, an under-age Somali  woman was taken to Lutsk hospital as she was weakened by the hunger strike. Detainees wrote a letter to the Ukrainian President two days ago and today, another one to explain their demands. Till now, neither the Ukrainian Government nor the International Organization for Migration (IOM) nor the UNHCR nor the Delegation of the European Commission to Ukraine contacted the hunger strikers to listen to them.

61 Somalians have been on hunger strike since 6th January in the Lutsk detention centre with another 15 reportedly on hunger strike in another detention centre at Chernigiv. 13 of the hunger strikers are women (7 of whom are under the age of 18). 17 of the men are also under 18.
The hunger strikers say that one 17 year old boy is very ill and in a separate room and had not been examined by a doctor. Furthermore the hunger strikers say they are detained in an asylum system which is profoundly unjust. They say that Somalians are always refused asylum in Ukraine and if they try to cross into the EU they are bounced back into Ukraine and detained. The hunger strikers say that they are subject to police harassment and corruption and can be detained by the authorities for periods of 12 months if they don’t have a temporary permit to stay legally in Ukraine. They say that an asylum seeker can be re-detained within a short period after release and then faces another 12 months in detention. Some of the hunger strikers have been in Ukraine for 5 or 6 years before they were detained. Some have been detained more then once.
Their demands to the Ukrainian Government are:
1) Somalian asylum seekers are granted asylum status in Ukraine.
2) They are released from detention.
3) Asylum seekers are to be provided with documents so they cannot be arrested.
4) There is an end to the police harassment of asylum seekers.
5) No asylum seeker is to face re-arrest after a period of detention.
Ukraine’s asylum procedure is in chaos. The arbitrary detention of the hunger strikers is just one more way in which the rule of law is ignored in Ukraine. Recent asylum laws created a new Government department to examine asylum applications, but failed to give it authority to act, while the old department was dismantled. As a result, asylum seekers cannot make asylum applications so they cannot get temporary residence permits and so become illegal.
Asylum seekers who were already in the system often cannot obtain an extension of their temporary permits and are therefore subject to arrest as they become illegal. No decisions on refugee status are being made and asylum appeals are postponed as the new Government department is not recognised by judges. Even those who have been granted refugee status in the past are often not receiving their residence permits – re-issued each year – and so become illegal.
The Government has increased the penalty for being without temporary residence documents from 6 to 12 months detention. Asylum seekers in Ukraine cannot work and do not receive financial support while they await the decision on their application.
The hunger strikers ask everyone to publicise and raise support for their demands as widely and as quickly as possible. If you are in the EU, please raise this with your parliamentary representative or Member of the European Parliament as Ukraine is sensitive to EU pressure.

Background Information:
Following the introduction of a readmission agreement between the European Union and Ukraine, two Detention Centres were built in 2008 with financial support of the European Union. As described in the BMPU report, a lot of the detainees were refould from Hungary or Slovakia before they were imprisoned  in the Detention Centres. These findings were confirmed in reports published by other organizations like Human Rights Watch. Furthermore, 30 Somalis were arrested in Vinnytza in December 2011 and taken to detention. Ignoring the fact, that there is no functioning asylum system in Ukraine and even that Ukraine (like all the EU-Countries) is not able to deport to Somalia, Somalis (and others) are kept in detention for twelve month and are then released without any status.
After being released from detention
There is even the risk, that former detainees are detained again shortly after they have been released. The administrator of Lutsk Detention Centere – cited in the above mentioned Human Rights Watch report – explains:
The papers we give have no legal power. They are informative documents that tell the person who reads it that the person holding the paper is on the way to his embassy. If that person is caught three days later in Chop, we will know that he is not trying to get to his embassy, and we can arrest him again.
Furthermore a Somali man – cited in the recently published BMPU report on corruption– describes:
In Lutsk there is no way to pay, when you have finished your six months they release [you] without documents, they give you little paper but if the police controls you, you will be arrested, police will arrest you in Lutsk city. It is like this: you have to talk to soldiers, ›tomorrow I will be free‹, you must pay at least $ 300, the soldier then drives you wherever you want, they drive in their uniform, so that the police does not stop them, but they drive with their private car, not in an official car. To Vinnitsa it  is 350 kilometres, so that takes about 7, 8 hours, the bus [to Lutsk and on to Vinnitsa] is only $ 20 or so but it is not safe.
Violation of International Human Rights Law
According to international law, a refugee must be given the possibility that his claim is proven under fair and comprehensible conditions. In addition, detention of a migrant because of his foreseen deportation is only legal, if it is generally possible to deport him and if serious efforts are made by the state to realize this. In the case of deportations to Somalia, this is obviously not possible. So de facto, the European Union helped to establish Detention Centres in Ukraine, which are used to treat migrants in a way that is not in line with international human rights laws like the European Convention on Human Rights.
Official numbers on migrants in detention in Ukraine and statistics about their countries of origin can be found in this report. Scandalously it is even planned to build up two new long-term detention centres in Ukraine with EU-funds (euphemistically called “Migrant Accomodation Centres”) in the moment. Already in 2007, the European Commission has allocated 30 million Euros  under its ENPI national program for Ukraine, inter alia to build up new detention centres.
Because of the situation in Ukraine, a big part of the Somalis Community  (and also other groups) see their only chance in trying to come to EU-countries and to apply for asylum there. The BMPU was informed about the case of a Somali who is now the six time in detention because he tried to cross the border to the European Union. This example clearly shows, what is the main interest behind the “support” of Ukraine by the European Union. Ukraine should become a more and more effective buffer zone to prevent that refugees and migrants mange to enter EU-member states:
Finally it must be said clearly, that the detention centres in Ukraine funded by the European Union are used to punish those persons, who are trying to reach the European Union informally or even before, ignoring their rights guaranteed under the Geneva Convention and other international human rights laws

Wednesday 18 January 2012

European Court finds a Turkish migrant was tortured by one of the Greek coastguard officers supervising him

In the Chamber judgment of January 17, 2012, in the case Zontul v. Greece, the European Court of Human Rights held, unanimously, that there had been a violation of Article 3 (prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment) of the European Convention on Human Rights.
The applicant, Necati Zontul, is a Turkish national who was born in 1968 and lives in London (United Kingdom).
On 27 May 2001 he and 164 other migrants boarded a boat in Istanbul which was bound for Italy. On 30 May the vessel was intercepted by Greek coastguards and escorted to the port of Chania (Crete). The migrants were placed in a disused merchant navy training school. According to Mr Zontul, the conditions of detention there were poor and several detainees were deliberately attacked by guards. He alleged that, between 1 and 6 June 2001, several detainees had been taken into a room from which they had emerged with injuries and, in some cases, unable to walk. There had also been reports of mock executions and Russian roulette.
On 5 June 2001 Mr Zontul reported that two coastguard officers had forced him to undress while he was in the bathroom. One of them had threatened him with a truncheon and had then raped him with it. One of the applicant’s fellow detainees had helped him back to the dormitory after the officers had left. In protest at that incident, the detainees had decided to go on hunger strike the following morning. Some of the coastguard officers had then burst into the dining room and gathered the detainees together, before beating them with truncheons and splashing them with water and a product resembling eau de cologne. One of the detainees had been made to “jump like a rabbit”.
The Court reiterated that the rape of a detainee by an official of the State was to be considered as an especially grave and abhorrent form of ill-treatment.
Under Article 41 (just satisfaction) of the Convention, the European Court held that Greece was to pay the applicant 50,000 euros (EUR) in respect of non-pecuniary damage and EUR 3,500 in respect of costs and expenses.
Read European Court’s decision herehttp://www.redress.org/downloads/PR-Zontul-170112.pdf

Thursday 12 January 2012

6 immigrants missing in Evros a on 12 January 2012

Two plastic boats, loaded with sans-papiers immigrants trying to cross Evros river, capsized early today morning. Up to now, rescue teams have discovered 6 immigrants. The rescued immigrants are two Afghans from the one boat (on which 4 more were aboard)  and 4 nationals of Bangladesh who, along with two other compatriots tried to cross the river Evros, but without success, as their boat also overturned.
Investigations are continuing to find and rescue the missing immigrants (4 Afghans and 2 Bangladeshi), while the survivors were transferred first aid to the Health Center for Orestiada.

Another deportation of 43 migrants from Athens airport on 11 January 2012

On January 10, 2012 there was another deportation flight. The deported immigrants were:
36 from Afghanistan
4 from Iraq
2 from Tunisia
1 from Pakistan

Another deportation of 29 migrants from Athens airport today on 5 January 2012

23 from Bangladesh
1 from Egypt
4 from Pakistan
1 from Uganda

Sunday 8 January 2012

افغانستان برای حل مشکلات پناهجویان در یونان سفارت باز می‌کند Afghanistan Embassy in Greece, will be open at the end of this year

An Afghan Foreign Ministry spokesman says Kabul is planning to open an embassy in Greece by the end of March to help deal with illegal Afghan migrants there. 

Janan Musazai also said Kabul would close its embassy in Bulgaria at the same time.

He said that with an estimated 25,000-30,000 Afghan refugees in Greece at any one time over the last two years, it's estimated that about 50,000 Afghans enter Greece illegally each year.

Many are either caught, jailed, or find themselves stranded with no money and no papers.

Musazai said a government delegation late last year provided 650 passports to Afghans who wanted to return home, and persuaded the authorities to free 100 Afghans held in detention centers for illegal entry.

Ahmad Saidi, an Afghan government adviser on migration, told RFE/RL's Radio Free Afghanistan that as long as unemployment, as well as a lack of security and justice, continue to plague Afghanistan, people will be forced to flee the country.
وزارت خارجه افغانستان اعلام کرده که سفارت این کشور در بلغارستان بسته می شود و به عوض آن سفارت دیگری را در یونان باز می‌کند.
جانان موسی‌زی، سخنگوی این وزارت روز یکشنبه، ۱۸ جدی/دی به خبرنگاران گفت که وزارت خارجه در پی بررسی‌های یک هیات ویژه از وضعیت پناهجویان افغان در یونان، تصمیم گرفته که سفارت افغانستان در آتن گشایش یابد.
سخنگوی وزارت خارجه افغانستان گفت که در دو سال اخیر تعداد تخمینی پناهجویان افغان در یونان تا پنجاه هزار نفر رسیده است
آقای موسی‌زی گفت: "یکی از گامهایی که وزارت امور خارجه در نظر دارد در ارتباط با حل و رسیدگی به مشکلات مهاجران افغان در یونان بردارد، ایجاد یک نمایندگی سیاسی در سطح سفارت در کشور یونان است."
سخنگوی وزارت خارجه افزود که به عوض گشایش سفارت افغانستان در آتن، سفارت این کشور در بلغارستان بسته می‌شود. آقای موسی‌زی افزود که این سفارت تا آخر سال جاری خورشیدی بسته خواهد شد.
جانان موسی‌زی دلیل اتخاذ چنین تصمیمی را رسیدگی به مشکلات پناهجویان افغان در یونان عنوان کرد و گفت که در دو سال گذشته تعداد تخمینی پناهجویانی که از افغانستان وارد یونان شده‌اند، تا ۵۰ هزار نفر رسیده است.
یونان یکی از کشورهایی است که معمولا این پناهجویان آن را برای ورود به اروپای غربی بر می‌گزینند. بیشتر پناهجویان افغان بدون اسناد قانونی وارد یونان می شوند و به همین دلیل با موانع متعددی مواجه می‌شوند.
آقای موسی‌زی گفت: "یکی از مهمترین یافته‌های سفر این هیات افغانی این بود که مهاجرین افغان در یونان بی‌‎خبر از شرایط سفر و قاچاق بوده‌اند."
پناهجوی افغان در یونان
شماری از پناهجویان افغان گفته‌اند که در مواردی از سوی ناسیونالیست‌های تندور یونانی مورد حمله قرار گرفته‌اند
او افزود که شماری از پناهجویان افغان در یونان به دلیل نداشتن اسناد قانونی برای سفر به یونان در زندان شهر آتن زندانی شده‌اند. به گفته آقای موسی‌زی، حدود صد تن از این زندانیان در جریان سفر هیات وزارت خارجه به آتن آزاد شدند.
سخنگوی وزارت خارجه همچنین گفت که در جریان سفر این هیات به یونان، شمار زیادی از پناهجویان افغان در یونان اظهار پشیمانی کردند و خواستار دریافت برگه‌های بازگشت به کشور خود شدند.
پیش از این گزارشهایی درباره وضعیت بد پناهجویان افغان در یونان منتشر شده بود.
این پناهجویان از دولت افغانستان و سازمان‌های بین‎المللی انتقاد کرده‌اند که نسبت به وضعیت آنها توجهی ندارند.
شماری از این پناهجویان گفته اند که دولت یونان به آنها هیچ کمکی نکرده و حتی در مواردی از سوی گروههای تندرو ملی‌گرای یونانی مورد حمله قرار گرفته اند.
این افراد گفته اند در مواردی این گروهها پناهجویان افغان را مورد ضرب و شتم قرار داده اند، اما پلیس یونان از آنها در برابر مهاجمان حمایت نکرده است.
پناهجویان افغان عمدتا به هدف رسیدن به وضعیت بهتر اقتصادی در کشورهای اروپای غربی، راه یونان را در پیش می‌گیرند. برخی از آنها ناامنی، فقر، بیکاری و آینده ناروشن کودکان خود در افغانستان را از دلائل مهاجرت به غرب از طریق یونان عنوان کرده‌اند.

New Year in Lesvos and Pagani.

New Year in Lesvos and Pagani.

The wish of many that Pagani becomes a Museum to remind what schould not be any more, anywhere: that people get inprisonned out of the only reason that they had to flee their country and dont have passports when entering a country asking for asylum.
Summer 2010,  some people retruned after the noborderlesvos2009, and followed the traces of the refugees that where inprsionned in Pagani and then are spread all over europe.
The excibition witht their stories was temporary shown inside Pagani , and in the small harbour of Skala Sikaminias specially to thank the fishermen who saved an afgahn family from drowning in Oktober 2009.
Now, two years later, Pagani is still present for those who insist not to forget.Travelling to lesvos you have to go and enter this place getting a feeling about how it might have been for all the thousands of people who where inprisonned there.

Some things last longer : goverments for exemple come and go, ministers too, but tea bags thrown by refugee prisonners
on the ceiling of the cell are still reminding of horor Pagani.

today there is nobody inside Pagani because we wantedt it so!

contact window among cells

the cell where 150 minors where inprisonned some for weeks

Thursday 5 January 2012

NoBorders Convergence 2012

NoBorders Convergence 2012London NoBorders, along with Goldsmiths students and other groups, are organising a week-long convergence to be held in London between 13 - 18 February 2012. The aim is to get together to share our knowledge and experiences in relation to people's freedom of movement and the restrictions on it, and to share skills, network, strategise and take action.
From Monday 13th to Wednesday 15th there will be a series of workshops and seminars, mostly at Goldsmiths University in New Cross. south east London. Then from Thursday 16th to Saturday 18th there will bedemonstrations and actions against migration controls.
Accommodation for those outside of London will be provided in people's homes. If you are a group of people needing accommodation pleasecontact us in advance if possible. Read more practical info about the Convergence here.
Read the call out in various languages here:
English | Français | Deutsch | Español | Português | Italiano | عربي | ру́сский
and you can listen to a short interview about the Convergence here.
A high-res flyer and poster to download and print can be found here.
The next planning meeting is taking place at 6.30pm on Thursday 5th January 2012 at Goldsmiths College, New Cross, SE14 6NW. (Room TBC).
To get involved and for more info, please e-mail us: noborderslondon[at]riseup.net

Police raid in Patras

Early this morning, between 6.30 and 7.00 am, police forces raided the old redundant textile factory of Peiraiki Patraiki in Patras where a group of sans-papiers had found refuge. In this same building, two days ago, an immigrant boy died of suffocation, trying to keep warm.
More than 50 persons were arrested. After the arrests, Port Police set on fire clothes and personal belongings of the immigrants and some temporary residence permits! A number of buildings was also set on fire. Fire brigade arrived an hour later

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Immigrant boy dies of suffocation in Patras

Τhree  Afghani youngsters (between 15-20 years old), who had recently arrived in the port city of Patras, were temporarily sleeping in the cabin of an abandoned truck in the old redundant textile factory of Peiraiki Patraiki. In order to keep warm yesterday during the cold night (Monday, January 2), they lit a fire in a small vessel. There was no window or door open in the road tractor, and the lack of oxygen caused the suffocation to death of one of the boys. The other two were taken to hospital in a critical condition.